WALLS, TRAINS & VAGABONDS – An Accomplices Across Borders part 2: the residency project
04/05 h. 20 presentation of the book “Panico Totale” by Alessandra Ioalè | The exhibition from 05/05 to 28/05
Artists and curators:
Jens Besser (D), Alessandra Ioalè (IT), Blasej Ruzin (UKR), Eric Vogel (D), WanderlustSocialClub (F/BEL)

It’s a daily affair to cross borders in Street and Urban Art Scene. Artists move naturally in Europe and around the world. They count less on official financial support as on an international network of artists and activists. That type of exchange is focussed in the exhibition Walls, Trains & Vagabonds which invites artists and curators from France, Ukraine, Italy, Belgium and Germany to come to Dresden.

2017 Hole of Fame widens the series „Accomplacies“ by the project „Across Borders“. Therefore the networking of artists is pursued – artists whom borders block opportunities for exhibitions and cooperations or artists working across border anyway. The series researches for answers about the questions „whether“ and „how“ intellectual and real existent borders due to artistic work are crossed and how to go abroad the networks resulting out of this practice.

Hole of Fame is supported by Cultural Foundation Of Saxony, the Department for Culture – City of Dresden and Foundation „Äußere Neustadt“.

2017: Escape from Dresden
It was strange and suggestive at the same time to go out at night and enter the yard with these four completely different artists.
It was strange not to see the classic painted piece with the spray on the surface of a freight train.

It was impressive to take part, first time with these artists in an almost surreal experience – full of adrenaline! Follow “Wandering” and watch them move as night-time hunting animals, with prudence in the darkness, under the rain between the train wagons and then choose the right to work the piece as soon as possible.

We did not speak much, it was not possible, there was no time. I just could watch them paint quickly with sprays. The artists themselves did not talk much to each, but the drawing of the one was naturally interwoven with the forms of the other. Seeing completely different artists collaborate in this way without even having collaborated before, has been for me a genuine example of how, on walls and trains both, it’s possible across certain boundaries.

It does not matter the final result. It is important to be there, to feel free to express yourself and your mind. See each of them paint on the other’s so naturally and continuously as if they had been doing it always. The importance and value of instant and sudden collaboration, without previous agreement, without any sketch, to create a truly fresh and original piece that goes beyond the artist’s own imagination.
For all this belief it is worth going in the night into strange places like a railway yard with the sole purpose of painting.
Alessandra Ioalé